Expand Hue Widget with Addons.
The Buttons Plus addon includes additional features for Hue Widget.
The control buttons of the widget provide alternative functions if you tap them twice . For example you can tap the ON button twice to activate lights in your favorite color.
If you hold a Control Button you activate its function in a transition. For example you can use the OFF button to turn off your lights slowly over time.
In the app you can use the additional functions by tapping the „more button“.
With Color Flows you can awake your groups and scenes to life. The current colors are used to show smooth fades between them. You can decide whether the fade will be slow or fast.
Watch VideoDefine personalized Color Schemes to color your groups and lights in the style you like. The widget is presenting a new button to circle through your defined Color Schemes. In the app you activate a Color Scheme in the detail view of a light or group.
A Color Scheme represents a set of percentage distributed colors. If you use a Color Scheme, the specified colors are randomly assigned to your lamps.
You can personalize your widget with your favorite color.
Use more functions of Hue Widget.
If you don't select a group your actions will affect all your lights.
If you want to set a brightness level permanent, just double tap a brightness button.
The RND button selects random colors for your lights. Just let yourself be inspired.
Your reviews are always important, so I want to share a few with you.
Muy práctico
Me resulta muy útil para controlar las luces hue de un modo rápido desde el centro de notificaciones. Funciona perfectamente y es práctico poder seleccionar los grupos que has creado.
Aston Smith - Version - 1.4.1 - Dec 4, 2014 - Spain
Die sinnvollste Hue App im App Store!
Der mobile Lichtschalter: Perfekt um schnell alle Lichter oder Gruppen (Räumen) an/aus zu stellen. Inkl. 4 stufigem Dimmer. Selbst der Random Button macht ab und zu Spaß!
pravenel - Version - 1.4.1 - Dec 25, 2014 - Germany
Wirklich super
Klasse App, sehr praktisch und intuitiv. Für alle Hue Besitzer absolut hilfreich! Von mir eine ganz klare Empfehlung
#1 iPhone user - Version - 1.4.1 - Nov 29, 2014 - Germany
Brilliant useful widget to turn your lights on and off with clarity. Fantastic! keep the updates coming!
shiveringgoat - Version - 1.4.1 - Nov 27, 2014 - UK
Best app for hue
The best app you can buy to make you hue lights easy to use without opening any app !! I love it and use every single day !
Nestyco - Version - 1.4.1 - Dec 9, 2014 - USA
Quick and easy control
Fast and always accessible, been my go-to control app for months.
Dansssyr - Version - 1.4.1 - Dec 29, 2014 - USA
Diese App ist wirklich super und das Design passt sich perfekt an das neue iOS an. Die Bedienung ist simpel und um einiges schneller als die Phillipsapp. Einfach das Widget in der Mitteilungszentrale aktivieren und danach über die Zentrale in Sekunden die Lampe steuern. Kleiner Tipp: Um die Helligkeitsstufe fest einzustellen genügt ein Doppelklick auf die Helligkeitsstufe. Einfach Top. 5 Sterne und sein Geld definitiv wert.
Pfälzer420 - Version - 1.4.1 - Jan 2, 2015 - Germany
Must have for Hue!
This is a fantastic app that brings true convenience to the iPhone. I've already replaced the standard hue widget with this one. Not only is it very functional, but it's also much more aesthetically pleasing. A few things I'd like to see in future updates are: • The ability to set one default scene for the on and off switches that will override previous scene. I tend to like my lights daylight balanced as apposed to warm. • Ability to turn on and off a group by simply clicking on the group button. Say I walk into my bedroom, I simply click "bedroom" when I enter to turn those lights on and once again when I leave to turn them off. (Also tied to default scene) I would most likely use those functions the most in my daily life. Quick replacement for a light switch with hue acting as a normal bulb. I do, however, love how customizable this app is. Highly recommended!
ssb540 - Version - 1.4.1 - Jan 5, 2015 - USA
I use this widget more than the hue app now!
jwill185 - Version - 1.4.1 - Jan 5, 2015 - Australia
The BEST hue widget!
Love it. It gives me control over all my lights (the lightbulb groups I defined in the widgets container app) AND four brightness presets for them all. The brightness settings are well picked they seem to be chosen as nightlight, dim like for watching a movie, not terribly bright, and full 100% brightness.
AndyKD - Version - 1.4.1 - Jan 4, 2015 - USA
Interesting facts about Hue Widget.
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